Thursday, April 11, 2013

General Conference 2013

Wow. What an awesome conference it was! Its always great, but this year was just a little more special to me.  Not only because Mac and I were able to attend with some friends and family, but I especially needed it this year. Its kind of been an emotional last few months of ups and downs, emotionally,  spiritually, physically....and so on. The spiritual up lift was much needed. I am so glad we were able to attend. You cant help but feel something special as soon as you walk into that room. This whole post might sound a little cheesy to some, but that aint stopping me. The Church is true! 

There were a few talks that stood out to me.  We went to the first session, and one of my favorites was Elder Claytons talk on marrage. The whole time Mac and I were smiling because because it just made us feel so good.  Some of the things that stood out to me was this first quote.

" I have observed that in the happiest marriages both the husband and wife consider their relationship to be a pearl beyond price, a treasure of infinite worth. They both leave their fathers and mothers and set out together to build a marriage that will prosper for eternity. They understand that they walk a divinely ordained path. They know that no other relationship of any kind can bring as much joy, generate as much good, or produce as much personal refinement. Watch and learn: the best marriage partners regard their marriages as priceless."

And again I know its cheesy but I'm so thankful that we have that in our marrige. We always talk about how we feeling like this, and when he said it we were like "Awesome" 

The second thing was Loyalty and this was his quote

"Loyalty is a form of respect. Prophets teach that successful marriage partners are “fiercely loyal” to each other. They keep their social media use fully worthy in every way. They permit themselves no secret Internet experiences. They freely share with each other their social network passwords. They do not look at the virtual profiles of anyone in any way that might betray the sacred trust of their spouse. They never do or say anything that approaches the appearance of impropriety, either virtually or physically. Watch and learn: terrific marriages are completely respectful, transparent, and loyal."

I feel like this is so important because in this day this sadly happens a lot and ruins relationships. Because social media has become so big its also created a beast out of some marriages.  
I just loved this talk. It was so positive and it reminded me of what I had sitting next to me. Of why I love him. Of what I can do better. And of how very special our marriage is, we are luckier then most.

Then of course there was Elder Hollands talk who are always the best.
Oh my goodness it spoke to my heart. When he talks the whole world shuts up haha. When you look in his eyes you know what he is saying is true. His whole talk spoke to me, there wasn't one thing that didn't. The only quote I will repeat is this

"I am not asking you to pretend to faith you do not have. I am asking you to be true to the faith you do have. Sometimes we act as if an honest declaration of doubt is a higher manifestation of moral courage than is an honest declaration of faith. It is not! Honestly acknowledge your questions and your concerns, but first and forever fan the flame of your faith, because all things are possible to them that believe."

Im just so thankful for this church and for the light it gives to my life. Its true.

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