Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Yep! Its another mommy Bostyn post! My favorite! I love them! Bostyn is 18 months! She is so fun, so smart, and so energetic! She's learning a lot, and her personality and her thoughts are starting to come out. She's doing a lot of fun things. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't like.

Kids are just the best.

My girls friends and I love taking the kiddos to the pool and different activities, and just watch in awe and say how awesome kids are. They seriously are.  We sure are blessed to have what we have.

Bostyns doing a lot of fun new things.

-Talking ( a handful of words. Mama, daddy, whats that!?, yes, thanks...etc)
- Loves to feel herself. Has to have a fork to do it herself, or forget it
-She loves grilled cheese, pizza, celery, grapes, olives and Chicken. Oh my she loves chicken
-She HATES peanut butter! She wont even eat peanut butter candy
-Loves to be out side
-She's a people watcher
-Likes to dance
- She loves Despicable Me, and Tangled
-Loves to sing and dance
-Shes very independent, and fearless
-Loves her grandmas!
-Likes make up and necklaces and bracelets. All girl!!
-Loves talking on the phone

Last week she had her check up with her Dr. We brought up the fact that she was still drinking around 36 ounces of milk a day from her bottle and that we didn't really know what to think about it. I was really wanting to completely stop with the milk in the bottle. I felt like a lot of it was just for comfort for her. And she just got used to having one not necessarily because she was hungry, just because its what she used to take a nap, go down and night, and go back down when she woke up in the middle of the night.  So he suggested that we cold turkey it. Just be done. And I really didn't feel like there was a good way to ease into it anyway.  I didn't feel like I could sometimes give it to her and sometimes not. So that day, I stopped with the bottle, and she actually did ok during the day, she ended up just eating more food food, which it awesome; However that night was hell. She woke up at 4 am and I know that she wanted a bottle to get her back to sleep, so instead, I just went into her room and snuggled her and kissed her, and ended up in her room the rest of the night, and she really didn't sleep well. But, I hung in there with it, and made her eggs and toast that morning and the rest of the day just did water in a sippy cup and let her kinda carry it around with her. No bottle. That night she slept like a little angel. She slept better then she ever has. So the last couple days have been great. I'm so glad we did it. I love that she's not dependent on it to get her to sleep. She does it all on her own. from 8-8 the next morning solid. She eats WAY better during the day, stays full a lot longer, and doesn't wake up in the middle of the night or too early in the morning, which means more sleep for me. Its been great! Its so weird she's such a big girl now!!

She really is our biggest successes and joy in our lives. Cant wait to watch our family grow and grow. Its what life is all about.

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