Saturday, October 26, 2013

Change of plans

Well as most know, Mac was majoring in nursing. Well, not anymore. Last semester, he was let go from the program at ameritech. Why? I think there were a few reasons... First. On one of his finals before the end of the semester. His final grade was a C-, but not a big deal. He passed right? Apparently at that school you cant get a C- twice in the program. He had previously received one earlier in the year. 
When he applied for the program and got in, we were not aware of this. Apparently to them. Its not passing. He missed it by 1%. 
I was sick to my stomach.
He tried his hardest to fight it, with emails, meetings with the administration, and talking to teachers, but nothing. They weren't willing to do anything for him. It was really hard at first to swallow. He didn't know where to go from there. He tried getting all his options for nursing but there really wasn't anything. He was talking 18 credits for 4 semesters, and they all were for nothing. They wouldn't transfer to any other program. 
He met with some counselors back at UVU to figure something else out for his bachelors. He only has about 4 semesters left till he's done, because he has already done a lot there. He is going to get a business degree and plan on taking over the family company with his brother, unless life takes us in another direction, which is seems like it likes to do to us every once in a while. But you know what, we roll with it. It is what it is. We pray about it and make the best of it. I know in my heart that Heavenly Father has something else in mind for Mckay, and that things, don't work out, and do work out for a reason.  He always does the best he can, and will always be taken care of.  
I'm the kind of person that has to make plans. They musbe in place, they must be solidified. My emotions and my brain cant handle any change with those plans. (big changes) So not gonna lie, this was kind of a challenge for me in the fact that all of a sudden we didn't have a plan anymore. We had to take a deep breath, let it out, and let it go. 
Huish's has always been in the back of his mind though, because its a career that will always provide for us and then some. (as long as it stays in business ;) ) His dad has always talked to him about taking it over, and staying, so he never felt like he was sure if he wanted to leave it. But he did, and decided to go a different direction with nursing, and now that has come to a complete haut. He feels like It may be because this is what Heavenly Father had in mind for him all along. He told his dad that he would plan on staying for now. However, in the future if he gets a better offer with another company he would take it if he felt like it was what he needed to do.
So thats currently whats going on with us over here. Still trying to figure out life.  I cant say enough how much we love our family and friends. I'm glad we get to live by so many of them. Thank you all for your love and support.  

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1 comment:

  1. holy crap ash i'm so sorry girl!! Mac is one amazing guy and i know he will do whatever it takes to make sure to support you and bostyn :) I'm exactly how you are though, I like to have a plan.. and it stresses me out to figure out what we are going to do next after we are here in texas. We only plan on being here for 4-5 more years but then what.. we want to go back to utah but who knows what will really happen. Soo wish i was in utah right now to come play with you and bostyn girl! totally miss your face. But you are right, Heavenly Father always has a plan and even though it sometimes throw you sideways it always will work out. So great to be able to have prayer and faith in our heavenly father to trust him to guide us when we don't know the exact path in front of us. keep your head up sweetie. Everything will work. Just have to try and be patient :) Love you dude!!!
