Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thankful Month!

Yes its Thankful month! Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday. I love that it puts things into perspective, before Christmas. Before everything gets super crazy, with the "hustle and bustle" as they say. And of course the best Holiday for eating enormous amounts of food and feeling completely justified in doing so, because everyone else at this party is!
These posts may seem really cheesy to some and super cliché. But It's important to me that I publicly thank Heavenly Father for these things because it all comes from Him.
Mac and I were talking, and setting some goals for the next coming year. And as we were talking about them and thinking of where we are in our life. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of confusion actually. Lots of questions.  This may come off really really strange, but I had the question of why come to my head. Why are we so special to have so many blessings, when there are people who quite frankly are better people then we are who have nothing.  I really thought about how many things we had to be thankful for. I wonder why our life was so easy.  I didn't say perfect. But easy. Easy in the sense that we don't struggle with addictions. We don't struggle with abuse or violence , or have anyone sick, and dying. Mac has a job. We have money to take care of our selves. We have somewhere to live. We don't wonder where our next meal is going to come from. We have an amazing healthy daughter. We don't have physical or mental disabilities. We have the gospel. I get to be a mother. We have family around us who are willing to help us when we need them. Its easy in the fact that I have an amazing family to wake up with in the morning. Who make me so happy. And its a forever happiness. 
There were just so many things that I thought of that we don't have to worry about. So many things that we do have that makes us so thankful. 
I know life isn't perfect. But even people who have literally NOTHING are thankful. We've heard of these people in the news, in conference talks , on the internet, and so on. They find something to be happy about and that amazes me. In reality those people are so much better off then we are because they have found happiness and thankfulness in things that last forever. Not cars or houses, or clothes, or anything of that matter. This IS NOT a holier then thou post. What so ever. If you take it that way you can stop reading. 
I'm not always good at trying to explain how I'm feeling or great with words. But I get so tired  of friends or family having a "poor me attitude" Like life owes them something because they don't have everything they want. Sorry but I have a hard time with un grateful people. Buck up. Look around you and be happy. Because THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVE IT 20 TIMES WORSE THEN YOU DO. And if they were talking to me know, they may say well, its easy for you to say because your life is "easy" like you've said in this post. Mac and I have had our share of problems, but they are problems we don't make public, or tell everyone about. They stay between us. I'm simply saying there are always so many things to be grateful for.
I'm thankful for the man in this picture. He makes me a better me. He is the THE MOST selfless caring person I have ever met. And I got him. He tells me he loves me every day. He sends me flowers just because. He loves God before anything else. He is my one and only. My best friend, for this life and the next. I love you Mckay Huish.

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