We can't believe she's 2! I Love her more and more everyday!! I can't say how much I love being her mom, I can't imagine it any other way.
She is so smart! I think if you were to ask anyone who knows her really well, they will tell you she is an organizer. She loves to organize colors, shapes, and all sorts of stuff. Mac and I will walk into a room and see items lined up in a perfect line with everything matching or facing up, and I mean daily….with pretty much anything you give her.
She saying tons of words, and stating to copy peoples sentences. She loves watching movies still, which I used to worry about but not so much anymore.
I can't tell you how much she loves putting on her make up…..or her (pretties I should say) Its so freaking cute!
She had a fun Birthday. We had a party with our families and my parents house, where we had pizza and cake and Ice cream. Its a little overwhelming for her but it was fun!
Love you baby Bostyn!!
I can't believe how fast time has gone! Bostyn girl is two wahooo!! It is seriously my favorite age! I love that she organizes things. That is so awesome :) Her cake is adorable to! Did you make it? freakin love you guys! Love you bostyn girl, happy birthday sweetie!